Looking forward to attending the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector on 11-13 February 2020 in Paris.
A fantastic line-up of speakers and networking events. The event brings together over 500 representatives from governments, business, trade unions and civil society to discuss the application of responsible business conduct within the sector in a neutral environment.
SIX sessions I'm looking forward to attending
Human rights due diligence for garment and footwear companies operating in Myanmar by SOMO.
Vietnam, Growing a responsible industry. A session on the changing landscape of the sector within Viet Nam. It will provide an update on the government's Textile Strategy as it pertains to developing a sustainable industry and enable a discussion on the key priorities for implementation by OECD.
"Reaching the 95%": engaging SMEs to scale responsible business practices, this session will look at how SMEs are approaching due diligence and bust open myths that due diligence is beyond SMEs. Libby Annat, Director, EACS
Circular economy and due diligence. The session will focus on the linkages between due diligence and circular economy. Partner: Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Instituteconomy.
The good, the bad and the lessons learned on using technology for monitoring & worker engagement. Session to explore technology as a potential tool for monitoring, worker engagement and access to remedy, as well as the potential pitfalls and prerequisites for effective engagement. OECD.
Drivers for due diligence in the Indian textile sector. The session will give an opportunity to explore key research questions as part of the ongoing OECD Apparel Supply Chain Assessment in India and look at how international supply chain drivers, as well as domestic policy, are changing the context in India. OECD.
For the full draft agenda. https://mneguidelines.oecd.org/AGENDA-OECD-Garment-Forum-2020.pdf
There is still time to register for the event. https://mneguidelines.oecd.org/forum-on-due-diligence-in-the-garment-and-footwear-sector.htm
Looking forward to meeting new and existing contacts there. I will report back after attending to share key take-outs and useful information.